Introducing Platinum and Golden Tickets 🎟️
Ladybug's Journey Part 2 : Race For Riches is coming!
Ladybug’s Journey Part 2: Race For Riches is coming
Level up your Rumble Racing Star account before event starts
Platinum and Golden Tickets 🎟️ will let you get ahead in the upcoming Ladybug’s Journey Part2
Tickets can be acquired through various ways:
Holding an Adventure Pass or Metabolts - Snapshot on 5/13 1AM UTC
Partnership giveaway or airdrop
Have Leaf Points 🍃 over 10,000 and 20,000 - Snapshot on 5/13 1AM UTC
Buff Leaf Points 🍃 for Rumble Racing Star daily, weekly missions!
Ladybug’s Journey Part 2 is coming
It’s time for a sneak peek at the next part of the Ladybugs Journey.
As many of our community members predicted, Rumble Racing Star will be the hero of Ladybug’s Journey Part 2 : Race For Riches.
Part 2 will be composed of:
A Competitive Leaderboard
XXX USDC + $GAME prize pool
How to climb up the leaderboard?
We can't disclose much today, but Platinum and Golden Tickets will provide an advantage to climbing the leaderboard faster than others.
Introducing Platinum and Golden Tickets 🎟️
Platinum and Golden Tickets are non-transferable SBTs that provide a temporary boost to Leaderboard points for the Ladybug's Journey Part 2 to climb a bit faster.
Note that Leaderboard points for Rumble Racing Star is different from Leaf Points for Ladybug’s Journey Part1 🍃
Boost Duration: 1 week
Boost %:
Platinum Ticket: 30% Point Boost
Golden Ticket: 20% Point Boost
Boost Activation: The boost will automatically activate upon Rumble Racing Star login once Part 2 is live.
Holding both Platinum and Golden Tickets will give you a combined boost of 50%.
How to get Platinum and Golden Tickets 🎟️
Tickets can be obtained through various ways.
Adventure Pass or Metabolts airdrop
Adventure Pass and Metabolts holders will receive an airdrop for both Platinum and Golden Tickets. A snapshot will be taken on 5/13 1 AM UTC, and the airdrop will occur before the start of Ladybug’s Journey Part 2.
Tickets will be distributed based on unique wallets, as holding multiple passes will not give a duplicate boost.
Have a certain amount of Leaf Points 🍃
Ladybugs with more than 20,000 Leaf Points 🍃 will get a Platinum Ticket Airdrop
Ladybugs with more than 10,000 Leaf Points 🍃 will get a Golden Ticket Airdrop
Snapshot of Leaf Points 🍃 will happen on 5/13 1AM UTC and the airdrop will occur before the start of Ladybug’s Journey Part 2.
Partner giveaway or airdrop
Delabs Games will be partnering with various projects to invite gamers to participate in the leaderboard event!
Tickets will be distributed through giveaways or airdrop events hosted by our partners throughout the Ladybug’s Journey Part 2.
If you're interested in hosting a giveaway, feel free to open a ticket in our official discord!
Rumble Racing Star Leaf Points Buff 🍃
We’ve noticed that the Leaf Points for playing Rumble Racing Star need adjustment.
Therefore, we decided to buff the Leaf Point rewards for Rumble Racing Star daily and weekly missions on 5/13 0 AM UTC to warm up your racing gears before the event begins.
Rumble Racing Star Missions Leaf Points🍃 will be updated as follows:
About Delabs
Delabs Games is a “Playable Layer” that organically intertwines the gamers, the games, and the platform. The Delabs Playable Layer is a unique platform model conceptualized to address the challenges of existing gaming platform structures.
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